Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 5, or Meetings and Master Classes

Sorry no photos today - we're relegates to posting from the iPhone in our hotel restaurant as we relax over fresh fruit juices and tea tonight.

We had a very successful meeting with Ibu Josephine Lapod and all the other wonderful staff at the UNICEF Indonesia Country Office. We took lots of photos in our new UNICEF t-shirts. Nathan became the second person ever, after Bill Clinton, to receive a special-ordered "Western size" t-shirt from UNICEF here.

Then we dashed to Jakarta Conservatory of Music to give our first master class of the Peace Tour. We were impressed by the students, all of whom were talented, well-prepared, and responsive. Thank you JCoM!

Photos coming soon....

-- Post From My iPhone


George said...

Wow, Nathan -- you and Bill Clinton. That is quite distinguished company!

George said...

What did the students sing?

Unknown said...

Yea, but I bet Nathan's is bigger!

Unknown said...

Seriously, congrats on a succussful trip. Best wishes to all. Say hello to Aryo's mother from me.

Nathan said...

The students sang all western classical music. From Bach to Schubert to Delibes. The students today did a great job too!