Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Homeward bound

Tomorow morning Nathan and I begin our long day of travel home. Aryo will stay in Indonesia for another couple weeks to visit family and friends. Swara Sonora's Peace Tour is officially over after a great master class today at the Surabaya Symphony, an a lovely dinner with conductor Bapak Tong, Ibu Tong, an their children.

It's been an amazing three weeks, and we've met and worked with wonderful people. We will miss many things about Indonesia. Stay tuned for some post-mortem blogs with additional photos, and there are still two days to comment before we randomly select the winner of our Blog Comment Contest!

Thanks for all your comments, messages, and support.

--Swara Sonora

-- Post From My iPhone


Lynn said...

So how are you ever going to be able to top this tour? I would think that finally coming home might do it.

Tim said...

Whew!! Fantastico!! You three are amazing. I can't wait to get to see you all again and get the run through of the photos and stories. Peace and Love indeed!