Saturday, August 22, 2009

Surabaya Symphony Orchestra Pictures: Solomon Tong and Donors

With SSO students, orchestra members, soloists, and organizers

With two wonderful SSO Donors and a wonderful Chinese Folk-Song soprano

With SSO Conductor, Maestro Solomon Tong, and his wife, pianist Mrs. Karlina Magawe-Tong

Here's some more pictures from our last concert in Surabaya, Indonesia, with Surabaya Symphony Orchestra on August 18, 2009. Please enjoy!! And keep giving comments to the blog... Remember, the result of the blog winner will be posted tonight! Thank you all for the support and prayers!
Visit our 100 Friends page to see our final days for UNICEF Indonesia Fund-Raising!!

100 Indonesian Friends (especially for Indonesians living abroad in the USA):

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